Category Archives: Keeping Up Apperances

The New Normal

image from is it canceled yet? Yes, that’s really a website. It’s funny and you should visit.

OR The same normal with added anxiety…

Sigh. Oh, where to begin. 

A lot has happened in two months. It’s been difficult for most people to find footing and just be able to think straight. Or even, in some case, to simply get by.  Trying to think of something uselessly funny or odd in pop culture to write about in the hopes of maybe lightening your mood has been difficult to say the least. The struggle for tone- some level of acknowledgement what we’re all going though, and gently finding a way to chuckle at the anxiety bubbling underneath. 

I’ve also been struggling to avoid anything approaching earnestly saccharine. Because let’s be honest here, my optimism level cap is ridiculously low in the best of times- it’s not going to work any miracles now. 

Everything feels weird. Everything feels awkward. Oh look, another virus task force briefing.  And then, one from every state. Delightful. And now back to Kelly Clarkson. Stay safe- fear everyone and everything!

It’s just not easy to pick up where I originally wanted to go with this thing. That seems more inconsequential and stupid than it usually is. 

Wait- did CNN really just do a stay home segment with GWAR?  

Continue reading The New Normal

Just Like Starting Over

Welcome back to From Somewhere, a blog objectively about Pop Culture in all its various guises and varieties.

From Somewhere originally existed as a free form pop culture commentary column in a long buried free arts magazine (Stuff) distributed in the Huntsville / Florence Alabama area.

Additionally, I do remember interviewing The Smashing Pumpkins (before they broke up the first time) and KISS (when the original makeup lineup reunited, before the first retirement). Not surprisingly- the mag flamed out because the internet happened.

And I also remember not getting paid for any of it. Ah, how the world changes and yet in some ways remains unchanged. It’s a constant comfort.

Ahem. The Internet.

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Dragon Con 2015 Happenings

For those of you not aware, Dragon Con is a social experiment where College Football fans are air dropped into a Science Fiction / Pop Culture Convention armed only with a bootleg DVD of season 2 of The Big Bang Theory and forced to survive. You know, for science. ESPN pays good money for these stats, you know.

Once that fun wears off, however, there is actual programming happening- some of which this author will be involved in.

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